Moss-"The Tormented"

This 2002 release (and 2006 re release) is Moss' demo cd, and a departure from earlier material.  The first thing that must be said about this tape is the case.  Yes, the case which it is held in. The case is made out of scrap metal shards, nails, and bolts, welded together to make the monstrosity seen above.  Inside the box is the tape and a rolled up paper with band logo, lineup, and recording info. One may purchase the tape through APOP records for $23 US.  APOP give this disclaimer; "[We are] not responsible for any injury that may be incurred from the handling of this release." 

This demo was recorded using a 4 track tape recorder and 3 microphones at St. Deny's Community Hall August 12, 2002 (I'm assuming in England somewhere.) 

This really does sound like it was recorded on three microphones. One can tell that this is no studio album by listening to about five seconds, but I must say that they did clean it up quite a bit in mixing.  Drums (especially snare) do sound muffled and there is much feedback from the guitar, but this is still one of my favorite Moss albums.  This is true doom, and if you want to hear the founding piece of work for one of the most important doom bands ever, listen.  Moss no doubt intended to have the live sound for this demo.  This is what this genre is based on--heavily distorted, downtuned guitars, harsh forbidding drum sounds, and grotesque vocal work. 

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